
Problem Vocabulary and Prepositions

A.     Commonly Misused word the following words are often misused by native english speakers as well as nonnative speakers. sometomes the spelling  are so similer that people fail to distinguish between them .others are pronounced exactly the same,but they are spelled differently and have different meanings. words in the letter category are called homonyms. study the words, parts of speech (noun,verb,etc) definition,and simple sentence in his list. ANGEL (noun)- a spiritual or heavenly being. the cristmes card portrayed a choir of angels hovering over the shephereds. ANGEL (noun)- a figure out formed by two lines meeting at a common point. the carpenters placed the plunks at right angle. B.      Confusingly Related Words 1.       Advice, Advise Advice : Opinion given someone (noun form) Advise  : Act of giving an opinion (verb form)         ...